Welcome to a new month of fresh energy and opportunities! We are going to embark upon a Virgo New Moon (September 2nd) at the beginning of September that will call for us to set our intentions around health/wellness and purity. It is time to clean out the proverbial closet and get clear on all you desire to manifest over this next lunar cycle. The Pisces Full Moon (September 17th) will peak mid month by illuminating all that has been hidden in the depths of our emotional body. Imagination, spirituality as well as disillusionment will be key factors here. Celebrate those dreams you've made manifest and release the delusions that keep you tethered to old ways of moving through the world. Collectively we will experience four planetary shifts this month. Mars will move into Cancer (September 4th) at the start of the month encouraging us all to tap into familial matters and security measures. Here we recognize how important safety can be in regards to our ability to go after what we want in our lives. Mercury moves into Virgo (September 8th) and then onto Libra (September 26th) this month signifying communication around boundaries with the former and justice with the latter. We may make great strides socially if we are able to tap into this powerful energy. Be mindful of your thoughts not only about others but also about the self. The Sun will shift into Libra (September 22nd) signifying a time focused on balance, harmony and relationship. We may feel more socially inclined towards the end of the month. As Venus shifts into Scorpio (September 22nd) our desires become intense and require a bit of depth. Transformation is possible with this potent shift as well. Be kind to yourselves and pay attention to the shifts and changes over the course of this month!
Be Well
سارة مكالوم طالبة في علم التنجيم تعمل على حرفتها لأكثر من 10 سنوات.
لقد تعلمت من معلمتها الطويلة Kauakea Winston التي تعيش في Big Island of Hawaii ، والتي أكملت مؤخرًا مدرسة Vesta Mystery School في Kauakea هذا العام.
درست سارة أعمال ديميترا جورج وستيفن فورست وديبرا سيلفرمان وحتى المنجم الفيدي جوني باتري.
تجد سارة أن تدريس علم التنجيم التأسيسي مفيد للغاية عندما يسعى العملاء إلى فهم مخطط الولادة بشكل أفضل.
تعتقد سارة أن علم التنجيم هو ممارسة رحمة تساعدنا على فهم أنفسنا بشكل أفضل وأولئك الذين نتفاعل معهم بانتظام.
عندما لا تدرس وتتعلم وتدرس ، فإنها تعمل كأخصائية تدليك مرخصة وتحب أيضًا رياضة المشي لمسافات طويلة والتزلج وممارسة اليوغا وخلق الفن.
قراءات علم التنجيم ساره
1 س 30 د
125 دولار أمريكي30 د
75 دولار أمريكي